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Gut Healing Creamy Hot Chocolate

Sep 02, 2018

Creamy Hot Chocolate

Creamy Hot Chocolate… sounds naughty right? Not this recipe!

Firstly, this one is made using quality cacao powder (as oppose to refined and sugar filled chocolate powder) and it passes on the usual additions of pasteurised milk and sugar.

What you will find is gut healing gelatine as the ‘creaming agent’, blood sugar stabalising ghee (or butter) and energy enhancing Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil. When you add MCT oil (along with other good fats) into your diet, your body uses them (ketones) as a source of energy for the brain, which can be easily drawn upon and lasts for much longer than fast burning glucose energy sources.

If you have a sweet tooth, you have the option of adding raw honey or your fav natural sweetener and enhancing the flavour sensation with a drop of high quality essential oils.

Get all of this in my Creamy Hot Chocolate recipe & enjoy the increased energy and brain power, stronger immune and digestive function over your day. Like me, you may also notice the ability to cruise through between main meals without the urge to snack. Stable blood sugars lead to increased insulin sensitivity in your body, a reduction in inflammation and therefore balanced hormones. Yes please!



250mls warmed coconut or your fav nut milk

2 tsp cacao powder

1/4 tsp true cinnamon (I use an organic one from here) + an extra pinch for a garnish

2 tsp MCT Oil (I use the stronger ‘Brain Octane’ one found here)

1 tbsp grass fed ghee (or butter)

2 tsp gelatine (I use an organic one from here), bloomed in 2 tbsp cold water. Alternatively, you could add collagen powder that will dissolve straight away. 

1/4 tsp raw honey or your fav natural sweetener 

1 drop Wild Orange, Lavender, Ginger or Peppermint essential oil*


Bloom your gelatine, by sprinkling it over the cold water

Mix your MCT (or melted coconut oil) in with your cacao powder

Add all ingredients to your blender (except the extra pinch of cinnamon and essential oil).

Blend until creamy, add your essential oil and blend again briefly.

Pour into your mug and sprinkle over the remaining pinch of cinnamon.


Find more healthy meal inspo over here



*Note: This one is not for the pregnant Mumma's. If you would like to learn more about how these powerful gifts of nature can support your health, happiness and home, head over here.


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