3 Naturopath Secrets To Increasing Your Pregnancy Energy

No Matter What Stage You're In



In This Masterclass



How To Detect Nutrient Deficiency

Take back control and personally know when your levels of one important energy nutrient are low during your pregnancy, from reading your blood test results. Gain optimal reference ranges for each trimester of your pregnancy.


How To Increase Energy Through Foods

How to use foods to increase your absorption of a pregnancy energy nutrient. Also learn how to avoid common mistakes that contribute to a deficiency.


Know When & What Supplementation Is Necessary 

Learn when supplementation is needed on top of your foods, to enhance an integral nutrient for your pregnancy health. Also find out what the best supplement forms are to reach for.


Optimise Your Pregnancy Health & Energy

No matter what trimester you're in, meeting nutritional requirements during pregnancy is important for your health and energy, plus healthy growth and development of your baby. 

"Kasey's advice has inspired me to make healthy choices during my pregnancyā€¦"


Your Nutrition plays a key role in your pregnancy health

Pregnancy is a precious time, but during this stage of life, there are many considerations, changes and decisions to make to ensure you are meeting important nutritional requirements. When your energy is low, it's likely your motivation is also low and adds to the overwhelm.

No matter what stage or trimester you're in right now, this masterclass will help provide you with clarity and confidence. The Naturopath secrets will help you to optimise your health and energy throughout pregnancy and support your baby's growth and development. 

Join me to finally learn what it takes to optimise your energy, using my 3 Naturopath secrets. 

This masterclass is a Must Attend if...

You recently decided to bring a baby into this world, and determined to have optimal nutrition through this stage of life.


You are excited to be in early pregnancy, but feeling overwhelmed with how to best nourish you and baby for healthy growth and development. 


You’re in in the midst of pregnancy symptoms and finding it difficult to stay motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle for you and baby.


You love learning and are committed to do everything you can to nourish and nurture yourself to give your baby the best start to life. 

A Personal invitation From Kasey...

I've been passionate about supporting womens health since the day I started up in clinic.

Ten years as a Naturopath, multiple books and hundreds of supported patients later. I've learnt what holistic health support is needed when it comes to pregnancy and baby health. 

This brand new, fresh masterclass is a topic you just cant ignore to meet important nutritional demands for you and your baby. 

If you're committed to feeling that pregnancy glow while giving your baby the best start to life, I cant wait to save your time and energy and guide you on this journey.

Choose the time that works best for you and I'll see you there!
