How Coffee Can Help Your Hormones & Fertility Health

May 31, 2021

If you're feeling ready to bring a baby into your world in a few years, months or even weeks, my new preconception health guide is here. 


Do you want to know how coffee can actually improve your hormones & fertility? I thought you’d be intrigued.

Last week I introduced one powerful practise for detoxing, particularly in the weeks, months and years leading up to a conscious conception. You can catch up here

This week, I wanted to share more for you if you're ready to step it up when it comes to detoxing your body, reducing inflammation & therefore balancing hormones preconception... & yes, it involves coffee! 

My friend & fellow Naturopath Kirsty King is back to educate & inspire you to get your coffee on... or shall I say in?

Today I’m excited today for you to share more on one of our fav detox methods of drum roll.... coffee enemas. You will learn:

If you’re considering coffee enemas for the first time you’re probably screwing up your face or thinking you’ll never do that. But truth is, that was my first reaction too. I first learnt about the benefits of enemas while studying Naturopathy and it took me a good 5 years to actually go ahead and try one.

This topic was also something my friends had a giggle over and I remember it was a talking point on my hens day as, I was telling them how I'd be doing one the next day for reducing my hens hangover.

In my chat with Kirsty, you will learn:

  • How a coffee enema helps you to detox and increase your powerful antioxidant function.
  • When to consider a coffee enema.
  • How to easily perform a coffee enema.
  • The difference between a coffee and chamomile tea enema.  
  • When you would do a colonic instead of a coffee enema. 

Tune into episode 35 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast above, or across on your fav podcast app.

If you're ready to begin your coffee enema journey, you can pick up a coffee enema kit here and get more support from Kirsty across on her instagram page

If you're feeling ready to bring a baby into your world in a few years, months or even weeks, my new preconception health guide is here. Use code BABYPREP for a special introductory limited time offer. 


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