Now Is The Time For YOU

Jul 02, 2018

Now Is The Time For YOU

You’ve almost reached the end of the week. Amongst the busyness each day brings, it is easy to ride the wave of life without truely experiencing and appreciating the little things. The things that warm your heart, fill up your happiness cup and allow you to glow from the inside out.

Don’t accept being run down, stressed, tired, or gaining those few extra kilos, just because life ‘gets in the way’. It’s time to return to your health and happiness goals. I have put together the simple reminders below specifically to help you take a step back, and make sure you are making daily contributions to help ground and nurture yourself, all year round!


  1. Let your loved ones know how special they are to you.
  2. Take an Epsom salt bath.
  3. Practise meditation and deep breathing.
  4. Ground yourself by walking barefoot on the grass or sand.
  5. Be proud of the little things.
  6. Plan ahead.
  7. Enjoy a fresh vegetable juice or herbal cuppa.
  8. Tune in & listen to what your body is telling you.
  9. De-clutter.
  10. Move yourself often.
  11. Include handfuls of vegetables into your daily diet. Start with a smoothie.
  12. Cook with coconut oil.
  13. Embrace your inner child.
  14. Start a daily journal.
  15. Honour yourself with enough sleep.
  16. Nourish your cells with a healing broth.
  17. Ferment your foods.
  18. Think positive and manifest a wonderful day ahead.
  19. Add sea vegetables into your meals.
  20. Eat in a relaxed and happy environment.
  21. Give thanks for what you have.
  22. Take your lunch break.
  23. Soak up the sun.
  24. Breathe the fresh air.
  25. Let it go.

Make time for you. You’re worth it!




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