Our Farm Life Updates

Apr 17, 2023

Although we're not quite farmers yet, our country life has been full, but fun. 

House renovations were firstly in full swing (if you missed it, you can catch up on the before and after's here). 

Once the reno's wrapped up, I wanted to capture my day in a life on the farm...before we become farmers. I know things are going to change when the animals arrive, so I'm embracing (and capturing) the journey along the way before the chooks, sheep, cows, pigs and maybe more make themselves at home. In the meantime, I'm madly reading Joel Salatan's books, bingeing on homesteading channels and devising a plan for our one day regenerative farm. 

To see this snapshot of my day, including my morning routine, an example of my main meals over the day, how I navigate nap time with the two girls, what fills up my days as a Mum with a 1 & 4 year old and how I balance Naturopath & Mum life, tune in here.

Once we’d finished up the main farm house reno’s, our council approval came through. Tom had been given the green light to start building his massive shed… and after months off, start working (for money) again!

Sorry bathroom and laundry reno’s, there was a more important job to do.  

If you want to see this big shed and the process of the DIY build from start to finish, it all unfolds right here. From sunrises to sunsets, sweltering heat and wet weather, the construction continued and is now complete.

Watch on to see the process from a dirt patch, to a shiny new shed, what us girls did along the way, the tour of what's inside and what work will be unfolding within the four walls, in this YouTube episode

Yes, if you've missed it so far, we have started a YouTube channel, 'Back To The Paddock' to follow our family of four homesteading journey. You'll see how it all unfolds for us with fortnightly videos as we go back to the paddock to farm animals, regenerate our soil, let our pasture flourish and provide for our family as we go.

See you there and don't forget to hit 'subscribe' so you're first to know when new episodes are ready for viewing.



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