What Twelve Months Of Motherhood Has Taught Me

Jul 17, 2019

I've just celebrated my baby girls first birthday, our birthing anniversary and one year of mummahood. What a whirlwind of a year. The most challenging, but rewarding days of my life. 

Here is what the last twelve months of being a Mumma has taught me...

P A T I E N C E. You can’t hurry along a feed, hold off the tears until the morning, speed up a milestone or ‘just quickly’ do, well anything. Instead, trusting that everything will unfold as it’s meant to and in the right time. ⠀

P R E S E N C E. Oh how precious it is to watch and be lead by little ones being present while playing, learning, feeding & chatting. There’s no dwelling on the past or worry about the future, just purely living in the moment. ⠀

N U R T U R E. My self care has stepped up a notch to make up for the constant broken sleep & breastfeeding demands. Yep this includes putting my ego aside and taking a nap when my body calls for the rest.⠀

Filling up my cup allows me to be the best (or close to) version of myself to care for & nourish bubba. ⠀

S E L F R E F L E C T I ON. I have another little human looking up to me, watching my every move and mirroring my actions, words and self beliefs. Teaching her the importance of nourishing and nurturing practises to live by in the days, weeks and years to come, is a value I live by daily.⠀

L O V E. Despite the challenging moments, days & weeks (trust me, there’s plenty of them), the love overrides it all. Those bubba giggles, cuddles & playful babbling pull on the heart strings like never before.⠀

Want to support your transition into Mummahood? Learn what natural healing practises, nutrition, mindset and movement I’ve lent on to support my mummahood journey in my upcoming...

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