The Benefits Of Free Play ~ with Vicci Oliver

Aug 02, 2021

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Are you allowing your baby or child the right to play?

You're likely thinking "Of course I do Kasey!"... but there are important factors to consider when it comes to communicating with and allowing your child to take risks and truely letting their imagination run wild with free play.

To help guide you, I have invited Vicci Oliver from Wildlings Forest & Beach school onto the podcast. 

Vicci is co-founder and director of Wildlings Beach School, a qualified teacher and along with business partner Nicki is highly experienced and passionate about all things play. Nature play, risky play, adventurous play and especially a children's right to play. 

If you're a parent, grandparent or loved one of a little one, this episode has some powerful guidance for you. 

Here's what we covered in this episode:

> The benefits of letting children have the right to free play, especially amongst nature.

> The advantages of mixed age groups free playing together.

> Suggestions of ways you can encourage free play around the home.

> How you can let risky play unfold without feeling anxious of your child hurting themselves.

> Ways you can embrace diversity and alternatives, to better prepare your child for an uncertain future.

> How to practise respectful communication with your little one and allow childhood empowerment.

Plus more!

You can find out more about Wildlings Forest & Beach School on their website, tune into their podcast 'Raising Wildlings' and follow on social media: Instagram & Facebook

Listen in to episode 43 of the 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' podcast by searching on your fav app or tuning in above.

We'd love to hear what you learnt from this chat. Tell us on my @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba instagram feed. 


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