Words Of Motherhood ~ with Author Renée Melizza

Dec 27, 2021

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When you enter a challenging moment or phase of your life, what helps you process this?

For some it's a verbal release, by chatting it over with friends, family or professionals, but for me, expressing how I feel in words is most healing. Maybe it's the introvert in me?

While I wouldn't call my cathartic words an art form, other talented souls are naturally blessed with expressing their thoughts, feelings and experiences through touching words and poetry. One of those women is Renée Melizza.

Creator of dear_daring_xo on Instagram, Renée is a first-time mum who lives in South Australia with her husband and toddler.

Renée truly believes; The best things in life are free. Laughter and dance are medicine. Gratitude makes your heart full. Everything comes to light when you write. To be unapologetically you, in this one life and that motherhood has been the incredible new chapter she didn’t know she needed so much.

Sentimental, goofy and down to earth, Renée has always loved writing, but discovered her love for writing poetry during those middle-of-the-night feeds, which is how ‘dear darling, a book about gratitude’, was born.

Renée writes honest and empowering poetry and musings on motherhood, in the hope that other mothers feel supported and less alone in the crazy, beautiful chaos. Nostalgic at heart, Renée also writes words to her little darling. She feels there is so much power in words and keepsakes.

 Renee joins me for an honest motherhood chat in episode 62 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast.  

In this episode we explored...

>> Renée's personal transition into motherhood and the challenges she experienced throughout pregnancy and mum life so far.

>> Chatting work / mum life and tips that have helped her work towards this 'balance'.

>> Lessons from motherhood.

>> Words of motherhood through poetry - Renée shares two of her touching poems with us.

>> What Renée's new book 'Dear Darling, A Book About Gratitude' is all about & how you can pick up a copy. 

Plus more!

Follow Renee & Her Words Of Motherhood:

You can follow Renee on instagram at @dear_darling_xo and visit her website to pre- order a copy of her new book here

Tune In:

Listen into episode 62 above, or search 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' on your fav podcast app.

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Let us know across on the @glowingmumma.thrivingbubba insta feed.


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