Healthy & Happy Travel Tips For Little One's

Mar 02, 2021

 Find age appropriate gut healing meal ideas in my baby health guide, Thriving Bubba 
& pregnancy nourishment within my online program, Path To Glowing Mumma.

With overseas travel on hold for the moment, it’s a perfect time to embrace the beauty and attractions your own backyard has to offer.

Some of our local favs include trips up the Murray river, day trips to the beach, heading across on the ferry to my island home of Kangaroo Island, back to my husbands family farm in the South East and onto the picuresque sea side town of Robe.

If you’re thinking about heading off on a family road trip, but you’re not sure how to navigate nourishing your little ones while away, this episode is for you.

As we are packing ready for a few days away on KI, I wanted to share tips we are implementing now and have done in the past while travelling both in our caravan and staying in accommodation both on local and interstate road trips, to keep our little one nourished.

Do you have any fav tips? Share them with me across on my @KaseyWillson.Naturopath insta page. 


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