Liver Loving Beetroot Dip

Dec 04, 2020


Did you know that increasing beetroot intake through your diet can offer important liver support? It also encourages healthy bowel movements. 

Beetroot is rich in betaine, a substance which encourages your liver to process toxins, provides protection to the liver and bile ducts (encouraging healthy bowel movements) and has healing benefits for the liver. 

So here's a delicious way of adding the brightness and health properties of beetroot into your day. It is also a nourishing option to offer when entertaining. 

What you’ll need:

400gm fresh beetroot

2 litres water

500ml apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup boiling water

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 small red chilli, seeds removed and finely chopped

1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp almond meal

Pinch Himalayan, Celtic or Peruvian Pink salt (I use one from here with added seaweed, for thyroid health)

What to do:

Boil the beetroot whole in water and vinegar for 30-40 minutes, or until easily pierced by a skewer

Leave to cool in the water and vinegar, then drain and peel and chop thickly

Place the beetroots and all the remaining ingredients into a food processor and process and smooth

Serve with seed crackers or veg sticks and enjoy as part of your nourishing nibbles


You can find more liver cleaning support in my hormone health book, Balanced, The Natural Way To Healthy Hormones and preconception guide, Glowing Mumma




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