Nourishing Orange Cake

Jul 18, 2023


I've been obsessed with orange cake recently. I found a few recipes online and over the weeks have happily baked, tasted and adapted until I was happy with the results. A moist, flavoursome gut friendly treat, which doesn't involve chocolate (and kids running crazy after indulging in cacao). That's a big tick from me. 

I swapped in gut friendly flour, swapped out refined sugar and added a spice I adore- vanilla. I also don't have time to be boiling oranges, changing water and boiling some more like many recipes involve, so I created my own more streamlined method which still removes the bitterness from the orange rind, but captures the refreshing orange flavour.

It is perfect for snacks, desserts and certainly is a crowd pleaser for entertaining.

So when my biggest darling requested a sponge for her fifth birthday (yes with all the whipped cream and jam), I couldn't resist but offer a more nourishing option for her party guests. I dished up my favourite Orange cake recipe and it was a hit. I love when that happens!

As highly requested across in my instagram stories, you'll be getting the recipe right here. You're welcome :)

Looking for something smaller? If I'm baking just for our fam, I half the recipe and use a smaller baking dish but if you have many mouths to feed, the full cake recipe will give you plenty. 

You ready?

Nourishing Orange Cake 

Serves 12

What You'll Need

2 oranges + 1 extra orange for garnish

3 cups blanched almond meal (I get mine in bulk from 'Honest To Goodness')

6 eggs

1 cup maple syrup (if on GAPS protocol, swap this for raw honey) & overtime, you an reduce the amount of sweetener used

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder


What You'll Need To Do:

  • Add oranges into a medium sized saucepan, covered with water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30-40 minutes (topping the water up as needed). This step helps remove the bitterness, but if you don't want any hint of bitterness, it is best to change the water 1-2 times along the way and boiling again for the remainder of time. 
  • Preheat your oven to 160 degrees C. 
  • Cut the baking paper to line the base and sides of a 30cm cake tin (I use coconut oil to hold the bottom and sides of baking paper in place)
  • Drain oranges and allow to cool, before slicing and further chopping them into small chunks.
  • Add the oranges to a food processor and blitz in pulses of around 10 seconds until the orange rind is all chopped into tiny pieces (you don't want to get any surprises of large bits of peel when indulging in your orange cake).
  • Add the eggs, almond meal, maple syrup, vanilla, baking powder and process until smooth. Stopping to scrape down the sides before one last blitz.
  • Pour the mixture into your cake tin and bake for 60 minutes. Depending on how your oven bakes, you may need to turn it around at 30 minutes. 
  • Remove from oven and allow to cool on a rack before garnishing with orange zest peels, thinly sliced orange and if you have them, white flowers. 
  • Enjoy warm (this is mouth watering), or cool completely before storing in an airtight container for up to 3 days in the fridge. Alternatively you can pre cut into slices and freeze, to defrost and enjoy later on.
  • I find it delicious enough served by itself, otherwise for a creamy addition, add a dollop of coconut yoghurt (Coyo is my dessert go to). Otherwise if dairy sits well with you, opt for quality cream brands such as Alexandrina Cheese Co, Barmarah Organics, Fleurieu Milk Company or Mungalli Creek.

Oh the aroma of freshly baked Orange Cake. So delicious!

I can't wait for you to try. Let me know if you enjoyed it as much as I did, across at @glowingmumma.thrivingbubba insta feed. 

Looking for further recipe inspo?

Find age appropriate gut healing meal ideas in my baby health guide, Thriving Bubba and pregnancy nourishment within my online program, Path To Glowing Mumma




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