Simple Stewed Fruit Crumble

May 08, 2021

This one is perfect for times when you have an abundance of seasonal fruit on hand such as stone fruit in the summer or Granny Smith apples in the Autumn. It's a popular dessert for our larger family gatherings and it feels so good to whip something up with our seasonal homegrown fruit.

This recipe can be adapted to what you have on hand and there is a gluten and dairy free option to choose from. Be mindful there is still an abundance of (natural) sugar within the stewed fruit, so it's best to be enjoyed as an occasional treat.

Stewed Fruit Crumble

What You'll Need:

Serves 8
3 -4 cups stewed fruit of choice (apple, apricot, nectarine, peach)
1 1/2 cups almond meal or quick oats  
1 cup shredded coconut + extra for garnish
1/2 cup macadamia and/ or cashew nuts, chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp raw honey or real maple syrup
3 tbsp coconut oil or grass fed butter
Coconut ice cream, or yoghurt, for serving

What You'll Need To Do:

  • Preheat oven to 160 degrees C.
  • Add stewed fruit to a baking pie dish. May fav is stewed apples (just a dash of water and peeled and chopped apples, cooked in a saucepan until soft).
  • Mix all other ingredients in a bowl (you may need to use your hands) until well mixed  add as a topping to the fruit.
  • Bake in oven for 30 minutes.
  • Add extra shredded coconut to garnish and serve with a dollop coconut cream or yoghurt.

After more meal inspo?

Find age appropriate gut healing meal ideas in my baby health guide, Thriving Bubba and pregnancy nourishment within my online program, Path To Glowing Mumma

Or if you're ready for a health reset, add yourself to our popular Spring Kickstarter waitlist here.


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