Where to Buy Organic Fruit & Veg in Adelaide

May 23, 2020

Seeking out organic produce can be hard work. Many google searches later, you may find you’re still not satisfied with the limited listings.

Over the years, I've collected recommendations from patients and readers, along with trying out hot spots myself. I’ve refined an (updated) list for you of organic cafes, markets, shops and supermarkets around town. If you’re flying in for the weekend or a local Adelaidian, enjoy the high quality, organic & seasonal produce Adelaide has to offer.

Organic Cafes

These cafes provide some organic, biodynamic or spray free food or drink options. Please check with staff if you are after a fully organic order.

Farmers Markets

Farmers markets are a great opportunity to pick up fresh, local produce, support and have a chat with the farmers themselves. Not all stores at farmers markets will have organic produce, so its a good idea to ask the growers. If you become a regular, it pays off to gain a market membership, giving you benefit of weekly discounts.

Other Organic Produce Stores

Get Organic Produce Delivered

Spring Water Source

Fill up your bottles from this natural spring:

Greenhill Springs, 136 Waterfall Gully, SA, (08) 8379 3600


See all the organic, pesticide free and regenerative farming options in South Australia, across in this post.

What About Melbourne?

I’ve recently had some requests of where to find organics in the foodie city of Melbourne. For now, head over to Organic Angels for more info.

I've also been told that the Terra Madre supermarket in Northcote, Victoria is worth a visit. 

Support Local Seasonal & Organics

When sourcing your foods, if 100% organic isn’t possible, seek produce straight from the farmers so you can build a relationship with them and learn about their farming practises. They may be spray free but not certified organic. 

Vote with your dollar and support these local businesses who supply us with wholesome produce, free from herbicides and pesticides. 

Have I missed your fav? Head over to @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba insta page and let me know :) 


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