Prevention & Recovery Of Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Muscle Separation) with Physiotherapist For Women, Kath Baquie

Apr 26, 2022

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I’ve been reflecting lately on my first fourth trimester. 

I remember being in the midst of my first few weeks post (first) birth and I was chatting to a physio friend about how I felt like my tummy was less secure. Almost like there was nothing there to stop my intestines from flopping out. Isn’t that strange I said but what she replied with surprised me.

My friend mentioned it is a common feeling and I’d say what you are experiencing are the symptoms of abdominal muscle separation. She proceeded to get me to lay down and showed me how to check. Sure enough, I had a 3cm gap. Whatever that meant! 

But that began my quest to find more info on how to treat it. Along with the movement and breathing exercises I had from experts within Path To Glowing Mumma, I also avoided certain exercises and naturally my separation healed overtime. 

This time around I’ve been much more aware of the signs gave myself the space to rest, be nurtured and heal within my six weeks postpartum.

If you’re thinking about conceiving, currently pregnant, in your fourth trimester or even months or years post birth, abdominal muscle separation is something that may impact you. 

I wanted to open up this conversation as I feel like this and other women’s health challenges post birth are not openly discussed and women are unfortunately confused and often suffering in silence.

To help inform you, today I welcome Kath Baquie to the podcast.

Kath is a mum of 3 young girls, a physiotherapist for women, and she has an online community, FitNest Mama which helps to provide pregnant and new mothers with the exercises, support & resources they need to move from the overwhelm, the physical aches & pains of pregnancy, the weakness felt after birth, and instead she helps to replace that with the comfort & confidence they need to get their bodies and minds strong again, so that they can get back to doing what they love with a bubba by their side (whether or not that’s running around with the kids at the park, or running the next marathon).  

Kath also has a podcast, the FitNest Mama Podcast, where each week she dives into all things pregnancy care, childbirth and postnatal recovery, helping you to have a wonderful pregnancy and after birth experience. 

Kath joins me in episode 68 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast. 

What We Cover

In this episode, you will learn:

>> What abdominal muscle separation is.

>> How you can detect it yourself if unable to see a women's health physiotherapist.

>> Ways to best support your core and pelvic floor muscles physically throughout pregnancy... even if you have a toddler at your feet.

>> Safe movement for a new Mum to safely do within her first 6 weeks post birth. 

Plus more! 

Get In Touch With Kath

You can find Kath at on Instagram @fitnestmama and tune into her episodes across at The FitNest Mama Podcast.

Kath's abdominal support wear podcast episode can be found here

Listen In

You can listen into episode 68 above or by searching 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' on your favourite podcast app.

I cant wait to hear your biggest takeaways. Let us know across on the @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba insta feed.


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