A Little Life Update

May 29, 2024

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In case you missed it, my hubby lost his toe in an accident a few weeks ago.

Life’s been extra full. Between appointments, caring for Tom & keeping up with the usual farm, Mum & Naturopath life roles, there’s not been much free time for me.

There's been some lessons on my part to learn along the way, like allowing myself space to be still, cuppa in hand and just be with the stress, the squirmish events that took place. I caught myself out, as I was trying to push through and be 'strong' and actually kept myself busy to avoid dealing with it all. So when I did sit and reflect, I cried, I released & it felt good.

Yes, it is just a toe, but it's ok to be vulnerable, sit with the emotions that bubble up and oh so important to release them. 

I have also had a timely gift sent to me in the post from Author Amelia Hill. It's her new book 'AND THEN ONE DAY, 90 Days Of Inspirational New Ways To See Your One Precious Life'. I naturally wanted to hear more from Amelia of her transformational journey from being bedbound in a single allergy free room for years, to the inspiring Author, Coach and Speaker she is today. You can read our chat and see the jaw dropping pics here.

Otherwise tune in above for my little life update in episode 109 of 'Back To The Paddock' podcast and IU cant wait to hear from you across on instagram. You can find me at @Kasey.Willson.Naturopath & @BackToThePaddock



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