Our Family Life Update

Nov 08, 2022

Life’s been full lately. We’re moving house!

As I type this, our life is in boxes and we are sleeping on our mattresses in our almost empty home. 

While we have always enjoyed having a backyard to grow our veggies, fruit trees, and hubby's big shed to make things in, we’ve had a dream to up scale to acreage since we moved in.

Ideas of our next step had been floating around for years and we’d often share our desire for being on the land with friends and fam. 

Weekend family drives were a regular thing to spot the areas we could see our life unfolding together. We didn’t have anything specific in mind, aside from wanting our girls to have the country lifestyle we had as kids.

But as our desire grew to be back to our country roots, we spoke about what we wanted daily, we wrote lists to get clear on what we wanted it to look & feel like for us & visualised having a space where we could grow our own food & live amongst the trees, garden & paddocks with cows, & chooks roaming happily. & yes, the even bigger shed for hubby! 

We manifested & after practising patience... it arrived. 

We had just surrendered to the fact that we may need to have another year saving, when our new home, our dream property landed in our lap. (Still pinching ourselves!)

The same day we laid eyes on it, we decided to sell up our beloved home & begin the journey towards our family farm life. 

Although we’ll be downsizing our house and taking on some renovations to the 80s built house, we’ll be upsizing our backyard, moving onto abundant acreage, ticking many of our manifestation boxes and giving the girls a slice of our own upbringing. 

After a full on but surprisingly low stress almost two months of de-cluttering, cleaning, getting the house ready for sale, selling (within 3 days), packing & moving, today marks settlement of our old home.

We will miss it... if only we could take the naturally lit living area, big bath, spacious bedrooms & fertile soil (that grows almost anything), with us.

But most precious of all, are the memories we’ve created here. They’ll be coming with us in our heart. Our home where we actually lived in the shed while our house was being built, celebrated our engagement party & birthed our baby girls into the world. Our home that has nourished us with a veggie patch and fruit trees over the years, where I’ve spent endless hours creating healthy goodies in the kitchen & uur home that has housed at two chickens have been chased around by out big girl since her first steps.

There are so many reasons why all I want to do is pick up our old home and take it with us but I know it’s a next step to a bigger better future for our family to say goodbye and hello to our little farm.

I know the tears will flow once the busyness slows, but for now there’s plenty for us to be grateful for. 

So while we tackle the unpacking & farm house renovations, I’ll be taking a podcast & consulting break. In this time, the best ways to gain my support are through my online books & programs.

For baby making- see my Path To Conscious Conception guide.

For pregnancy, birth & postpartum care - join my Path To Glowing Mumma program

For baby health guidance - get Thriving Bubba, a holistic health guise to support & protect your baby’s growth & development from newborn & beyond.

Otherwise thank you for tuning in, I so appreciate you & would love to see you across on insta @glowingmumma.thrivingbubba. You might even see some reno updates over there too :)


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