Love, Relationships & Femininity ~ with Lisa Thompson

May 30, 2023

Find age appropriate gut healing meal ideas in my baby health guide, Thriving Bubba and pregnancy nourishment within my online program, Path To Glowing Mumma. 

Do you struggle when it comes to finding love? 

Or if you’re in a romantic relationship, are you often feeling cranky with your partner?

In amongst friendship groups, I’ve certainly heard my fair share of complaining when it comes to the men in our lives. Yes, I’m guilty of this too.

A couple of years ago my dear friend Lisa started talking about books & programs she was learning from and how they had impacted the way she viewed men, relationships and the way she therefore began to date.  

Long story short, this lead to some powerful manifesting in her personal life & naturally, I started leaning in. I wanted to learn more! 

Lisa Thompson supports women who have been holding it all, to surrender into their feminine and find & learn to be held by the healthy masculine in committed love.   

She has built her business & offerings based on all the things most transformative to her on her incredible journey of healing her body of an incurable condition, healing her mind from past sexual trauma & finally healing her heart to find her “grand love”.   

Lisa is obsessed with all things love & relationship, particularly the highly polarised kind with a strong masculine & divine feminine dynamic.   

She had a realisation in 2021 when she was a “forever single” 35 year old woman that she would burn her business & life to the ground to have the love she desired & be able to share her life with that someone special. 

What a turning point.  

 Lisa immersed herself in learning all about love & relationships to help her understand exactly what she wanted & who she needed to be to create it.  

 Without what she learned & the unique approach she took, she knows for certain that she would still be single today.  

Instead, within 3 months of dating she met George & within a year, he got down on one knee & proposed They marry in October & are having so much fun building their dream life together.  

Once she learnt & embodied the things that completely changed everything, she couldn’t help but start screaming it from the rooftops & sharing the gold with all the women in her world.  

So to shed light on this fascinating topic,  today I have a chat with Lisa all love, relationships & how the way you go about your day can impact these precious areas of your life. 

Whether you’re in a long term relationship or just thinking about dating, this is for you. 

What's Covered:

Today Lisa explores...

  • What was missing when it came to Lisa's dating and relationships in the past. 
  •  How she manifested the man of her dreams
  • When and how has the feminist movement impacted the balance of new and exisiting relationships today
  • Why femininity and a polarised relationship are so important
  • How to have your man help you, without actually asking for help... or nagging!
  • One powerful relationship tip for new parents

Plus more!

More From Lisa:


Instagram: @Golden.Thread.Collective

Send Lisa a DM on insta to find out more about her special podcast offering for her upcoming programs. 

Tune In:

You can listen into episode 89 above or by searching 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' on your favourite podcast app.

I cant wait to hear your biggest takeaways. Let us know across on the @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba insta feed. 






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