Navigating Breastfeeding Challenges: Low Supply, Over Supply & Mastitis ~ with IBCLC & Midwife Hannah Willsmore

Nov 08, 2023

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Breastfeeding experiences for one Mumma can be completely different from another. It can also be an emotional roller coaster, especially when mixed with broken Mumma sleep. 

There can be frustration, pain, exhaustion, overwhelm, heartbreak, but also an abundance of love & oxytoxin experienced throughout a mothers breastfeeding journey. Geez, some days you may experience all of the above!

When it comes to nursing, like all areas of motherhood there are different techniques, challenges... and even more opinions. 

Gaining support from a qualified International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is something I will always recommend, but I have to admit I also personally adore listening to the experience of other Mums. I take what resonates and go with my gut.

Common breastfeeding challenges amongst Mums include supply issues (over and under) and many will experience some degree of mastitis. So when guidelines change, as they have recently with the way the Academy Of Breastfeeding view and treat mastitis, I like to explore the why behind it.

Hence inviting one of my fav lactation consultants back for a chat- Hannah Willsmore. 

Hannah is a Registered/Endorsed Midwife, IBCLC and award-winning childbirth educator based in Adelaide, South Australia. With experience in a range of hospitals and maternity settings, her qualifications and knowledge give her the insight to help women achieve a positive pregnancy, birth and early parenting journey. She has completed further studies in hypnobirthing, graduated as a Life Coach, and gained postgraduate midwifery qualifications.
Hannah is also the host of the informative Changing Birth Podcast. Hannah’s passion for education & holistic, evidence-based care has guided her to build an array of midwifery services available locally & remotely. Whether you’re looking for antenatal & postnatal in-home midwifery, hypnobirthing courses or phone consultations - she offers exceptional support with a down-to-earth attitude! 
Hannah joins me for episode 98 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast. 


What We Cover:

  • Hannah's personal post-partum experience, including her own breastfeeding journey - including her experience with Mastitis and nipple vasospasm.       
  • What is mastitis and the new updated guidelines to manage and treat.
  • Who else other than a GP should you see for mastitis detection & treatment support.
  • How to detect low breastfeeding milk supply and what to do to help encourage healthy milk supply for your baby. 
  • What to avoid doing to prevent over supply issues (and potentially mastitis). You might be shocked at this one.
  • How to manage over-supply of breastmilk.

Plus more!

Further Resources & Follow Hannah: 

Listen In:

Tune into episode 98 of the 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' podcast, with Hannah Willsmore above or search 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' on your fav podcast app.

I can't wait to hear your biggest takeaways across on insta at @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba. See you there!



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