The Power Of Homeopathy For Detox, Fertility & Baby Health ~ with Homeopath Melissa Kupsch

Dec 06, 2023

 Searching for ways to holistically support the health and development of your baby? Thriving Bubba baby health guide is just for you! Pick up your copy here.

What if I told you there was a healing modality that is safe for everyone and is the second largest system of medicine in the world? 

It's something I dabbled in during my Naturopathy studies, but never fully embraced until I had children. I've since seen the power it can have for helping support all sorts of first aid challenges that pop up for our fam. The best bit is it encourages the body to heal (instead of suppressing the symptoms) and is truely holistic in the way it supports your body.

Introducing you to Homeopathy. Intrigued or perhaps a little skeptical? Let's sit down with homeopath Melissa Kupsch to learn more. 

Melissa has a keen interest in Fertility, Women's and Children's health and is highly regarded by her past and present clients worldwide.

Melissa graduated from Endeavour College of Natural Health in 2015 and has completed a Bachelor of Science [Honours] Homeopathy. She has helped countless couples worldwide to achieve healthy pregnancies and is very passionate about her work.

Melissa has recently moved into the position of Training Director of RMDY Collective and alongside some of the most renowned Homeopath's in Australia, is offering homeopathy courses to Practitioners and families.

Melissa joints me for episode 99 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast today.  

 What We Cover: 

  • What lead Melissa to studying homeopathy and starting RMDY Collective.
  • How homeopathy works.
  • Common misconceptions around using homeopathy.
  • Factors that can impact the effectiveness of homeopathy. 
  • The safety of homeopathy alongside other medicines.  
  • Recent contributing factors that are driving infertility challenges.
  • How homeopathy can help heal the impacts of generational suppression or trauma. 
  • How homeopathy can support a couple wanting to achieve a healthy conception.
  • Using homeopathy in pregnancy, including for morning sickness, Hypermesis Gravidarum and feeling run down. 
  • What remedies are must- have’s in a family's first aid kit, including support for gastro, coughs and colds and teething.
  • Plus more!

Further Support From Melissa & RMDY Collective

Listen In

Tune into episode 99 of the 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' podcast, with Melissa above or search 'Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba' on your fav podcast app.

I can't wait to hear your biggest takeaways across on insta at @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba. See you there!



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