Raw Lavender Lamingtons

Dec 14, 2020


These raw lamington bites were on high demand last festive season. I was asked to bring along the dairy and gluten free chocolate coated balls to all the Christmas catch up's and they were enjoyed by all. The lavender infusion pairs beautifully with the cashews and chocolate and helps bring calm and peace to your day or night.

They're one of my fav Mumma treats.

Raw Lamington Bites

What You'll Need:


3/4 cup cashews
1/2 cup finely shredded/ desiccated coconut 
2 tablespoons raw honey or rice malt syrup
2 tablespoons cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract


1 cup finely desiccated (I blitz up my organic shredded coconut, to avoid using the pre-made desiccated coconut brands that contain preservative)

40gms / one generous handful of your favourite dark chocolate 

3- 4 drops Lavender essential oil (I use this therapeutic grade oil)* 

What To Do:

Add all the 'filling' ingredients into the food processor & process until well formed.
Roll into balls and set aside.

Add water to a small saucepan and bring it to a simmer.

Add a bowl to sit on top of the saucepan and add the chocolate to your bowl. Stir gently and turn of heat once melted. Add your drops of lavender oil.

Add your balls with a spoon one at a time to your bowl, coating them fully in melted chocolate. 

Add to another plate of your desiccated coconut and using you hands, sprinkle and roll the ball to be covered in coconut. 

Adding the balls to the fridge or freezer will help them to keep shape before serving. 


*Note to the pregnant Mummas to leave this one out. More guidance for pregnancy health found here


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